Jack's Caregiver Coalition Blog

Blog - Jack's Caregiver Coalition

Written by Jack's Caregiver Coalition | April 22, 2021

Our 2020 Volunteer of the Year, Mike McGarry!

​A caregiver himself, Mike took the lead on Jack's blog in March of 2019. Since then he's published over 40 blog posts. As a testament to the power of his stories they have raised over $20,000 for our mission! If you have an idea for a story please email him at: mike@jackscaregiverco.org
To say that Mike coming into our orbit was a blessing is the understatement of the century. The guy has so much going on, yet he always seems to be one step ahead of everyone else. A wife in active cancer treatment, 2 sons with active sports schedules, a full time job, and every time I talk to him on the phone he's almost always walking his 2 dogs! And speaking of phone calls I love how he just calls me out of the blue for no real reason at all, no agenda, he just wants to catch up and connect. He has become a close personal friend of mine that I just wish I could have more time with.

"He is one of our Jack-to-Jack Coaches and he runs our blog. When it comes to the blog he has exceeded our wildest expectations. As it turns out, writing was something he was passionate about as a younger man. Then, like happens to so many of us, getting a decent paying job and raising a family slowly but surely left no margin in his life for writing.  I think without him even realizing it. No room for that thing that really juiced his joy batteries.

"For a while, I was just baffled. How could a guy with this hectic life crank out so much content? I am not exaggerating when I say there are always at least 4-5 stories he's written that he's waiting on folks to give him feedback and comments on.  But then I came to understand how this volunteer role with us awakened a youthful part of himself that had been in hibernation for decades. It's been humbling for all of us at Jack's to witness his awakening and be a small part of that journey with him. I hope his story inspires you to make more room for things that juice your joy batteries too!"
-Kyle Woody, Jack's Founder & Executive Director-
Mike, Tracy, Joseph, and Jacob