Jack's Caregiver Coalition Blog

Blog - Jack's Caregiver Coalition

Written by Jack's Caregiver Coalition | April 23, 2024
Super-Volunteers Mark Mattson and Roger Miller

There’s volunteer work and there’s super-volunteer work…

We at Jack’s ask a lot of our volunteers and it’s just not the same as a one-and-done afternoon at a food shelf. Not only do our volunteers show up to serve our caregivers and Sequel Makers, but they dig deep into their emotional luggage to recall valuable but sometimes painful experiences. It’s this sacrifice on their part that is often the balm that eases the pain of those walking through their own caregiving or loss journey, and helps a fellow Jack feel less alone.

We refer to these brave men and women as Super Volunteers

  • ​Roger Miller has been offering sage pearls of wisdom to fellow Sequel Makers both as an attendee and now runs our Klatch for those who have lost a loved one.
  • There’s Mike McGarry. He was on the receiving end of a Storm Chasers event. Now, he is streamlining the process to make this service available to any Jack who is experiencing a storm of their own.
  • Susan Kerber whose job with CaringBridge brings her to table event after table event… volunteers spread the word about Jack’s on weekends at… you guessed it… table events.
  • Board member Rob Smith dares us to think big… his genius… yes genius… is behind what is shaping up to be one of the most meaningful endeavors--CaregiverCon.
  • Mark Mattson has broadened our reach to the northern suburbs and his words of hope and his everyman presence has brought solace to dozens of caregivers and Sequel Makers.
  • Kather Bucher, our Care Navigator is masterful at untangling red tape for Jack’s, solving huge headaches AND she often will show up with cookies. ​

And these are just some of our amazing volunteers!

We have guys that coach other caregivers, Klatch facilitators, and boots on the ground for events. We even have guys that put their skills to use to build things that will serve caregivers, like a custom mobile kitchen for Storm Chasers events. 

​Words are insufficient, but for today, they will have to do. Thank you, thank you, thank you.