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Jack-to-Jack will connect you to
a guy who’s been in your shoes

You might laugh together, cry together, or just grab a coffee or some beers and, well, shoot the shit.

Have one-on-one conversations in comfortable places.

Guys need to be able to hang out with other guys who understand what they are going through. Jacks (Guys who have or are currently caring for someone facing a health crisis) need to connect with other Jacks.

Jack’s Caregiver Coalition is not a matchmaker for Jacks. We’ve simply created a process that allows the participants to learn about and connect with each other. We make no guarantee that the connections made will have the results our participants are hoping for. But, often total strangers who have a shared caregiving experience have conversations that significantly improve the way they think, feel, and act through every phase of their caregiving journey.

jacktojack group

Jack-to-Jack Program Agreement

(Revised April 23, 2024)  

​The following guidelines apply to all Jack’s Caregiver Coalition’s Jack-to-Jack Program (“Program”) participants and are subject to, and incorporated in, the Program Terms. Jack’s Caregiver Coalition may terminate your participation in the Program if you do not comply with this agreement. 

In these guidelines, we sometimes use  

  • We, us, and our, to refer to Jack’s Caregiver Coalition  
  • Coachee to refer to the Caregiver or Sequel Maker in the Program 
  • Coach to refer to each experienced caregiver that serves as a volunteer in the program 
  • Partners to refer to the Coach and Coachee who connect in the Program 

​Commitment to the Program 

The mission of Jack’s Caregiver Coalition is to improve the way guys think, feel, and act through every phase of their caregiving journey. The Jack-to-Jack Program is central to our mission. Jack’s Caregiver Coalition has created a process that allows the participants to learn about and connect with each other. We make no guarantee that the connections made by the participants will have the results our participants are hoping for, but in our experience total strangers meeting with a shared caregiving experience often have conversations that significantly improve their overall well-being in that role.  ​

For an effective connection and Program experience 

  • A Coach should have a sincere, bona-fide interest in, and be committed to, providing one-on-one support and encouragement to help an Coachee deal with the challenges he’s facing.  
  • A Coach commits to responding within 48 hours, to any Coachee that contacts him.  
  • A Coachee should have a sincere, bona-fide interest in receiving a Coach’s support, and encouragement.  

Since everyone’s journey is different, we recommend that the Coach and Coachee decide together how best to communicate with one another and be responsive to each other’s needs and schedules.

Coaches are volunteers and receive no compensation from Jack’s Caregiver Coalition or Coachees for their services. Coachees are each responsible for any costs they incur while participating in the Program, including any costs associated with communication, meals, travel, or activities.  ​


​All personal information that you receive from us regarding your Program Partner is subject to our Privacy Policy.  Please keep all information about your Program Partner confidential, including the personal information that you receive from us about your Program Partner. 

Personal information that your Program Partner chooses to disclose to you while participating in the Program, must not be disclosed by you to any third party, or used for any other purpose without express written permission from the partner who shared the information. 

You must keep any paper or electronic information that includes personal information in a safe and secure place and take reasonable steps to protect it from unauthorized access or use. If you learn of unauthorized access to or use of personal information you hold regarding your Program Partner, you must promptly notify your partner and us by emailing

You agree not to use the Program, Jack’s Caregiver Coalition’s website, social media, or personal information regarding a Coachee or Coach, to harass, violate the privacy of, harm, or threaten to harm any Program Coach, Coachee, or Jack’s Caregiver Coalition in any way.

​For Coaches: Managing your Coachees

As a Coach, you have the right to decline a Coachee based on your capacity. It is up to each Coach to decide how many Coachee relationships he can support. If you are unable to take on another Coachee, please respond to Jack’s Caregiver Coalition know within 48 hours (about 2 days) and we will find another coach for the Coachee.

​Our Online Privacy Policy

Our Jack-to-Jack program respects the privacy of its participants. Jack’s Caregiver Coalition does not rent or sell any of its volunteer information to anyone for any purpose. The information collected by Jack’s Caregiver Coalition.

Medical and Health Care Provider Advice, Recommendations and Referrals are Prohibited  

Coaches and Coachees must not: 

  • Offer medical advice or opinions to each other or to other Coaches or Coachees.  
  • Endorse or recommend specific physicians or other health care providers, or health care facilities, or medical treatments to other Coaches or Coachees.  
  • Jack’s Caregiver Coalition will not recommend or endorse physicians, other health care providers, health care facilities, or medical treatments.  

​Conflict of Interest

​Coaches must not promote personal business or other personal interests to Coachees. Coachees must not promote personal business or other personal interests to their Coaches.

Social Media

Coaches and Coachees are not authorized to use social media to promote the Program without having been authorized and trained by Jack’s Caregiver Coalition to do so. If you have any questions regarding this Policy, or for any reason you believe that your program partner has violated this agreement, please e-mail us with your concerns to

To Participate in Jack-to-Jack

Contact our Jack-to-Jack Program Champion, Jeff Myhre.

​Wanna become an approved Jack-to-Jack Coach?

Just do the following things:

Are You New To Caregiving?

We have a great introduction to this thing called caregiving.

​We can provide you with a bunch of resources and get you some additional support.